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Over the years I have developed Graphical User Interfaces/ algorithms to analyse images. Please visit the page later to find Executables for free download. Available programs with description are listed here. I have also worked on developing GUIs for hardware integration using LABVIEW. These include NI DAQ - Camera acquisition controls, Stepper motor controls, PID Temperature control algorithms, Pressure transducer systems.

If you think your application can benefit from any of the programs, drop me a line or book an appointment for free consultation. I will look forward to work with you to develop software for your specific need in LABVIEW/ Matlab/ ImageJ. 


 Full analysis suite to analyze X - ray Diffraction data from both in house and synchrotron sources.

The software contains various plug and play modules that loads images, finds center of the diffracted image, has a tool to identify the structure using pattern match algorithm, fits multiple peaks and finally calculates the D - Spacing. 

All of the modules can be tweaked for other applications such as finding edges, intensity profiles, peak fitting and more. Contact for more info




Full analysis suite to extract features such as contours and automated data analysis.

The software contains various plug and play modules that loads files, finds contour and centre upto subpixel resolution, computes fluctuations, plots power spectrum.

Here  an example of how the power spectrum is used to extract bending rigidity is shown. 


All of the modules can be tweaked for other applications such as finding edges, intensity profiles, peak fitting and more.



Integration and automation of stepper motors, stages, camera acquisition controls, PID temperature controls.

I have also worked with a range of external devices and integrated them using LABVIEW. The most ambitious project that I co-developed is the bench top X - Ray diffraction beam-line.


A range of image and data analysis tools such as tracking algorithm, intensity measurements, permeability calculation etc are also available in MATLAB.

In addition I have also worked with other software tools such as ImageJ, Autodesk Inventor, Illustrator, Inkscape etc.

Please get in touch for more information.  

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